About 20 Minute Cigar Company
Everyday life in a growing metropolitan city is challenging and hectic. What if we could all slow down for at least 20 minutes and allow ourselves to relax, reflect, and simply be the moment. Following this simple idea, we have created a reason do to just that! 20 minutes, or longer, or however long it takes – we invite you to sit back and savor this outstanding quality cigar.
The story of 20 Minute Cigars
One day at La Casa Cigars and Lounge, a luxury cigar lounge tucked in a sophisticated corner of Detroit, Michigan, owner Ismail Houmani offered a customer a cigar. In response the customer replied,
“All I have is 20 minutes.”
Houmani recalled the many times he’d heard the same sentiment from busy patrons pressed for time on their lunch breaks.
Always wanting to create personalized experiences, Houmani set out to make a cigar that would meet his clients’ needs.
He selected the finest quality aged tobaccos from a boutique grower in Central America and had his hand-rolled cigars cut to half the length of a normal cigar.
To his delight, his 20 Minutes in Detroit cigar quickly became the store’s best-selling cigar.
20 Minute Cigars are a full line of hand-crafted, high-quality cigars. We developed these cigars in response to lunch-time customers who wanted a quick-smoking, delicious cigar they could enjoy during a short break in their busy days. We’ve selected the finest quality aged tobaccos and hand-rolled each cigar not only to ensure the highest quality product, but to capture and represent the unique characteristics of distinctive American cities. Our passion for quality and attention to detail are displayed in these cigars, delivering a rich, sophisticated experience.
About Ismail Houmani - creator of 20 Minutes Cigar Line
Growing up, Ismail Houmani's summers were spend amongst his cousins' tobacco fields in Southern Lebanon. He was fascinated with the plantations, the growers, the feel of dirt and tobacco leaves underfoot.
While these are some of his fondest memories, it wasn’t until 1996 that his passion for cigars took root. He opened H&I Smokers in Canton, Michigan, and in the following years, traveled to far-flung tobacco-growing regions around the world to deepen his knowledge. At the same time, he created a one-of-a-kind luxury cigar lounge, La Casa De La Habana, in Plymouth, Michigan, and then subsequently in Ann Arbor and Detroit.
Houmani’s desire to offer one-of-kind experiences drove him to create his 20 Minutes Cigar line, which he launched to great success in Detroit in 2011. Houmani is currently rolling out the line in Las Vegas, and in November 2012, he will launch his first Las Vegas store and lounge, in Tivoli Village in the Summerlin neighborhood.